Akademischer Werdegang

06 | 2024

Habilitation (venia legendi für Psychologie)
Universität Heidelberg

11 | 2012

Graduate School of Systemic Neurosciences, LMU München

  • Dissertation “Investigation of insight with magic tricks: Introducing a novel paradigm
  • Note: 1,3

03 | 2008

Diplom im Fach Psychologie
Universität Wien und LMU

  • Diplomarbeit “Solving the Tower of Hanoi puzzle – effects of frontal lobe damage
  • Note: 1,3

09 | 2007

M.Sc. im Fach Neuro-Cognitive Psychology

  • Masterarbeit “Action understanding in patients with infarctions of the middle cerebral artery
  • (Note 1,3)


11 | 2023 – heute

Dr. Magdalene Ortmann – Statistik für Mediziner

Methodische Beratung von Doktoranden, Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeitern, Ärzten und Unternehmen im Bereich klinischer Studien.

09 | 2017 – heute

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

05 | 2013 – 08 | 2015

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiterin
Department Biologie II, LMU München


  • Expertin in SPSS

Preise und Auszeichnungen


Forschungspreis der Sonophilia Stiftung


Award for Excellence in Teaching
von der University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Verzeichnis selbstständig durchgeführter Lehrveranstaltungen

WS 2024|25

  • Seminar Einsicht, Restrukturierung und Aha! Momente (Universität Heidelberg, Psychologisches Institut)

WS 2023|24

  • Seminar Psychologische Mechanismen bei der Verarbeitung von Fake News

SS 2023, 
WS 2022|23

  • Seminar Einsicht, Restrukturierung und Aha! Momente

SS 2022

  • Seminar Umgang mit komplexen Problemen in der Praxis – Pädagogik, Organisationen, Gesellschaft

WS 2021|22

  • Seminar Kreatives Problemlösen: Stand der Forschung und Einsatz in der Praxis

Diese Seminare hielt ich in abwechselnder Reihenfolge ab dem WiSe 2017/18 bis WiSe 2021/22, alle am Psychologischen Institut der Universität Heidelberg (Details gerne auf Anfrage)


Seit 2023

Editor Journal of Dynamic Decision Making (interdisziplinäre open-access Zeitschrift)

Seit 2021

Associate Editor Thinking & Reasoning

Seit 2017

Mitglied des Editorial Boards des Journal of Cognitive Psychology


Externe Gutachterin für Promotion und Prüferin bei der Verteidigung, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgien


Externe Gutachterin für Promotion und Opponentin bei öffentlicher Disputation, Department of Psychology, Universität Oslo, Norwegen

Externe Gutachterin für Forschungsanträge:
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (SNF); Israel Science Foundation; Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS); Flanders Research Foundation

Ad-hoc Gutachterin für
Nature; Cognition; Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition; Psychonomic Bulletin & Review; Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications; Thinking & Reasoning; Consciousness and Cognition; Trends in Neurosciences; PLoS One; Brain Research; Neuroscience Letters; Journal of Intelligence; Journal of Creative Behavior; Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology; Journal of Problem Solving u.a.





verhandlungssicher (C2, Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency: Note A)




Wiley, J. & Danek, A.H. (2024). Restructuring processes and Aha! experiences in insight problem solving. Nature Reviews Psychology, 3, 42-55.

Graf, M., Danek, A.H., Vaci, N. & Bilalić, M. (2023). Tracing cognitive processes in insight problem solving: Using GAMs and change point analysis to uncover restructuring. Journal of Intelligence, 11:86. PDF

Bilalić, M., Graf, M., Vaci, N., & Danek, A.H. (2021). The temporal dynamics of insight problem solving – restructuring might not always be sudden. Thinking & Reasoning, 27(1), 1-37. PDF

Rummel J., Iwan, F., Steindorf, L., & Danek, A.H. (2021). The role of attention for insight problem solving: Effects of mindless and mindful incubation periods. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 33(67), 757-769. PDF

Danek, A.H. & Kizilirmak, J.M. (2021). Editorial: The whole is more than the sum of its parts – addressing insight problem solving concurrently from a cognitive and an affective perspective. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 33(6-7), 609–615. PDF

Gilhooly, K., & Danek, A.H. (2021). Roger L. Dominowski (1939-2020): His contribution to the study of insightful problem solving. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 33(6–7), 616–619. PDF

Danek, A.H. & Wiley, J. (2020). What causes the insight memory advantage? Cognition, 205, 104411. PDF

Danek, A.H., Williams, J., & Wiley, J. (2020). Closing the gap: connecting sudden representational change to the subjective Aha! experience in insightful problem solving. Psychological Research, 84, 111-119. PDF

Danek, A.H. & Salvi, C. (2020). Moment of truth: Why Aha! experiences are correct. The Journal of Creative Behavior, 54, 484-486. PDF

Pétervári, J. & Danek, A.H. (2020). Problem solving of magic tricks: guiding to and through an impasse with solution cues. Thinking & Reasoning, 26(4), 502-533. PDF

Bilalić, M., Graf, M., Vaci, N., & Danek, A.H. (2019). When the solution is on the doorstep: Better solving performance, but diminished Aha! experience for chess experts on the mutilated checkerboard problem. Cognitive Science, 43(8): e12771. PDF

Danek, A.H. & Flanagin, V.L. (2019). Cognitive conflict and restructuring: The neural basis of two core components of insight. AIMS Neuroscience, 6(2), 60-84. PDF

Fine, P.A., Danek, A.H., Friedlander, K.J., Hocking, I., & Thompson, W.F. (2019). Editorial: Novel approaches for studying creativity in problem-solving and artistic performance. Frontiers in Psychology10:2059. PDF

Schönauer, M., Brodt, S., Pöhlchen, D., Breßmer, A., Danek, A.H., & Gais, S. (2018). Sleep does not promote solving classical insight problems and magic tricks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12:72. PDF

Danek, A.H. & Wiley, J. (2017). What about false insights? Deconstructing the Aha! experience along its multiple dimensions for correct and incorrect solutions separately. Frontiers in Psychology, 7:2077. PDF

Danek, A.H., Wiley, J., & Öllinger, M. (2016). Solving classical insight problems without Aha! experience: 9 Dot, 8 Coin, and Matchstick Arithmetic Problems. The Journal of Problem Solving, 9(1), 47-57. PDF

Danek, A.H., Öllinger, M., Fraps, T., Grothe, B., & Flanagin, V.L. (2015). An fMRI investigation of expectation violation in magic tricks. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:84. PDF

Danek, A.H., Fraps, T., von Müller, A., Grothe, B., & Öllinger, M. (2014). It’s a kind of magic – what self-reports can reveal about the phenomenology of insight problem solving. Frontiers in Psychology, 5:1408. PDF

Danek, A.H., Fraps, T., von Müller, A., Grothe, B., & Öllinger, M. (2014). Working Wonders? Investigating insight with magic tricks. Cognition, 130(2), 174-185. PDF

Danek, A.H., Gade, M., Lunardelli, A., & Rumiati, R.I. (2013). Tomato and Tuna – A test for language-free assessment of action understanding. Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology, 26(4), 208-217. PDF

Danek, A.H., Fraps, T., von Müller, A., Grothe, B., & Öllinger, M. (2013). Aha! experiences leave a mark: facilitated recall of insight solutions. Psychological Research, 77(5), 659-669. PDF

Öllinger, M., Jones, G., Faber, A.H., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Cognitive mechanisms of insight: The role of heuristics and representational change in solving the eight-coin problem. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 39(3), 931-939. PDF

Faber, A.H., Kühnpast, N., Sürer, F., Hinz, A.M., & Danek, A. (2009). The Iso-Effect: Is there specific learning of Tower of London iso-problems? Thinking & Reasoning, 15(3), 237-249. PDF

Buchkapitel / Artikel in Tagungsbänden

Laue, R. & Danek, A.H. (2023). An experiment on the impact of TRIZ-inspired thinking on solving insight problems. 23rd TRIZ Future Conference, TFC23, Proceedings. Springer.

Danek, A.H. & Wiley, J. (im Druck). The insight memory advantage. In C. Salvi, J. Wiley, & S. M. Smith (Eds.), The Emergence of Insight. Cambridge University Press.

Danek, A.H. (im Druck). The phenomenology of insight: The Aha! experience. In L. Ball & F. Vallée-Tourangeau (Eds.), Routledge International Handbook of Creative Cognition. London: Routledge.

Danek, A.H. (2018). Magic tricks, sudden restructuring and the Aha! experience: A new model of non-monotonic problem solving. In F. Vallée-Tourangeau (Ed.), Insight: On the origins of new ideas. (pp. 51-78). London: Routledge.

Pétervári, J., Danek, A.H., & Flanagin, V. L. (2015). Wayfinding and restructuring in a novel city: An insight problem solving task. In D. C. Noelle, R. Dale, A. S. Warlaumont, J. Yoshimi, T. Matlock, C. D. Jennings, & P. P. Maglio (Eds.), Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society.

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